In these very concerning and uncertain times it is important that we assure you that PB Donoghue (Waste Management) Limited are operating as normal and its business as usual. We are monitoring our operations and contingency plans on a daily basis in relation to the ever changing circumstances and challenges that all businesses are faced with.
This email is to advise the measures PB Donoghue are taking to protect our employees, customers, suppliers and the general public from COVID – 19 “The Corona Virus.”
The virus has affected many areas of our daily lives and the disruption caused by the virus is likely to last for some time. Our management team here at P B Donoghue are meeting daily and updating our own methods of prevention based on the latest available expert advice from the Chief Medical Officer and the Government.
We take the health of our staff, customers and suppliers extremely seriously. We ask that if you are visiting our facility’s that you follow the instructions that we give you. We have stopped wherever possible essential face to face meetings both internally and externally. We communicate electronically with all our staff on a daily basis so that they are fully aware of the latest ‘Covid-19 ‘updates and are undertaking extreme levels of health and safety to ensure the highest possible hygiene standards are maintained.
As a preventative measure, we have split our teams, minimising the risk of infection, with some staff working remotely from home, whilst still connected to our business. These measures will ensure the continuity of our service to you. Please rest assured that we are working tirelessly to minimise any impact the virus may have on our business and the services we provide to you. Our business relies on our staff to provide high levels of customer service. In order to do this it is paramount that we work together to protect your employees and our drivers where possible. Therefore we now are asking our drivers to e-sign delivery notes on behalf of customers in order to limit the potential spread of infection through the handling of the electronic tablets, and for all our staff and customers to keep a two-metre distance between all persons at all times. In these cases, our drivers will take the full name of the authorised person he is e-signing on their behalf and write in the signature box “Covid-19” The delivery note will be forwarded by email to the email address provided once the delivery is completed as is our standard practice. As our drivers work alone they have a reduced risk of being infected if we follow this practice.
We electronically communicate with all our staff on a daily basis, ensuring the highest possible hygiene standards are maintained and that they are fully aware of the latest ‘Covid-19 ‘updates.
To assist us in maximising our workforce we ask and would very much appreciate that you let us know as soon as possible if any of your sites has or is affected by the virus so that we can work with you to identify how we can best service your requirements. Please give us as much notice as possible if you require any orders to be rescheduled, so we can continue to uphold our services.
Of course if you have processes or procedures in place on site in relation to Covid-19 or future plans that you require us to interact with, then please make us aware of those processes and procedures. This is and will continue to be an extremely challenging time for all businesses and we will need to work cooperatively as we endeavour to continue to maintain service levels.
Thank you for your continued support.